Sunday, October 18, 2009

Getting Behind and Catching Up

It is hard for me to stay on top of things. I always feel behind with money, with my blog, with the house and I often feel behind on exercise.

Sometimes the problem is that I expect too much of myself and don't budget enough time to get things done (house projects always take 3x more time than my most generous estimate).

But I've gotten better about budgeting time. So sometimes the problem is that something unexpected comes up or I am preoccupied with something else.

One great thing about having a full time 9-5 type job is that I have some regularity in my life. I typically know where I am going to be when on any given day of the week. So I need to work with that! All the things I have problems managing are things which happen over and over again on a regular basis: housework, exercise, writing, payday and billpay.

So: Here are some conclusions. This schedule doesn't leave a lot of time for chit chat or to be lazy but it also sets things up in a way that if I miss a day, it will only be a day, no harm done!

On workdays, at lunch, I will work on writing my web series
On workdays, after dinner, I will work on Singlutionary
On Saturdays and during family home evening I'll work on my postcards and other projects
On Sundays I will work on the house (cleaning, improvements, gardening)

It doesn't leave much time to rest but I do find working on the house to be somewhat restful.

In terms of money, I am going to try something new. Each time I get paid I'll pay things in this order:

1. All bills due within the next two weeks or that I've received statements for
2. My savings $50 per paycheck
3. Cash for food and stuff $50 per paycheck
4. Allow a $50 buffer in my checking account and pay EVERYTHING else toward my highest interest credit card. 

That way I will always have enough to pay for the things I need but when I do get a larger paycheck, the "bonus" will go towards debt and not get mysteriously gobbled up!

Hopefully once I get used to these routines I will start feeling "on the ball" instead of on this never ending cycle. 


  1. I'm right there with you - good luck!

  2. Thanks for writing this. I have that same feeling a lot of times of not being on the ball. So many things are going through my head that it is just hard to concentrate on one thing.

    I hope it all works out for you. I'll keep reading if you keep writing.
