Monday, April 20, 2009

Fake Work Week #2

Last week's unemployment schedule went pretty well for TWO DAYS. I am trying to balance "practicing" working full time and having to be super efficient with my time off and fitting in things I won't be able to do once I go back to work.

This week I am hoping to have the stamina to keep my schedule up all week and to make sure I hit the gym 4 times! One of my big goals for spending this extra time is to get a big headstart on getting the junk out of my trunk. I've thought about working out twice a day but I'm pretty sure I'll burn out too fast if I do that. So the gym in the evening is going to have to be enough for that.

I know that I'll also eat better when I have a full time job because I won't be temped to snack all day.

But I digress. Goals for this week are:

1. Make it through the whole week while sticking to my "unemployment schedule" so that I can practice being employed full time. I expect this to help make the transition from lazy bum to work-a-holic a little less stressful

2. Really focus on getting going to the gym and eating meals instead of snacking

3. Actually actively look for and apply to jobs. I have an idea of what my dream job is but I need to put in some resumes in a couple other places as well just for good measure. I need to spend at least an hour a day applying for jobs (otherwise all this other stuff is really really rediculous!)

So its Monday! Go workweek!

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