Monday, April 13, 2009

Unabashed Unemployment Day 1: The Schedule

Over the weekend, I decided that I need to put myself on a schedule which mimics what my life would be like when I get a full time job. Basically, I'll get up every morning and to to bed every night and take my lunch break and get dressed just like I would if I had my ideal work schedule. 

I am going to do this until I get a full time job.

There are two reasons for doing this:

1. When I get a full time job, it will be in addition to working for Bosslady once she recovers from her car accident (get well soon Bosslady!!) so I will be working about 60 hours a week. Its also important to me that I keep up all my projects, including Singlutionary, and have time for some personal peace. I also want to continue to observe my secular sabbath and keep up my vegetable garden (my new favorite project). SO, I'm going to have to become very efficient-- like raising-six-kids-in-a-studio-apartment efficient-- in order to be able to work, have peace and do the things that are most important to me (writing, homemaking, gardening, hanging with my dog, etc, etc, etc). And because this is a tall order, I figure I better start practicing now so that I don't want to die when I finally do get the job of my dreams.

2. I figure its a good thing to do in that "law of attraction"/The SECRET kind of way. You know, I dress in the clothes I'd like to wear at my ideal job and FEEL like I've already got my ideal job and waddaya know? I suddenly HAVE my ideal job. Poof!

So. Here is my Schedule:

5-5:40AM: Getup, get dressed, eat breakfast, etc

5:40-8AM: Bosslady Stuff (I am still helping Bosslady with some stuff while she is in the hospital which is great because it forces me to get up early!)

8-12PM: Work (during this time, since I don't actually HAVE a job, I can work on projects, look for jobs, apply for jobs or shop for interview clothes. I can NOT sit at home watching Big Love on DVD. I have to be actively engaged in a) things that will help me get a job or b) important projects that I will be pissed off about not having any time to do once I get a job. 

12-1PM: Lunctime (eat a meal that I prepared and packed up the previous night), walk the dog M-W, go to Bosslady's Th-F.

1-5PM: Work (this week its on my yard or getting "ahead on the blogs" although I am not sure how the heck I am going to be able to keep up blogging. Today I went to an acting class.

5:30-6:45PM: Dinner. Put a portion aside for lunch tomorrow. Clean up. Water the yard while things are cooking. Daily chore (I've broken up housework into 4 parts done M-Th). This is going to be the hard part because that is a lot to cram into that period of time, but I know that with practice and preparation, I can do it!

6:45-8PM: Blogging (or grad school applications or other writing project)

8-9:15PM: Swimming at the Gym with my new Gym membership. I choose to go in the evenings because that is when my roommate goes and she motivates me. Also, I plan to shower and get ready for bed directly after swimming (and leave the gym in my pjs) so there is less time wasted on costume changes. 

9:30-10PM: Get ready for bed (I'll have already showered, etc at the gym and I'll have already prepared my lunch for tomorrow so I'll pretty much just need to brush my teeth).

The above is the IDEAL. I am trying to stick to it as closely as possible so I can get into the swing of things. Today I did pretty well until about 3pm (universal siesta time). Right not its 5:48 and I shouldn't be blogging (I have time for that later). I should be in my watering/cooking/cleaning mode. Oops.

Until tomorrow!


  1. I'm sorry - you get up at WHAT TIME???????

  2. Oh welsh girl! I love your shock and horror! 5am at the LATEST!
