Thursday, April 16, 2009

Unemployment Timeline

Today is the first day that I did any job-seeking activities since Sunday. Today is Thursday. Today, I have totally fallen off the wagon in regards to my unemployment schedule. Something needed to give. I needed to sleep and catch up on things and also just be lazy. But I made it through three days and I do feel that I am a little bit closer to being able to handle this intense/tight schedule. 

In other words: I'm getting used to it. Maybe next week I can get through the entire week (M-F) without falling apart!

But I've been noticing the things which I do that take up a lot of time and space but don't offer a huge reward or do offer a huge reward but could be done more efficiently. 

Watering the Garden: Once I get my first paycheck, I need to invest in some timers so I can do some of the watering without even being present. I really enjoy watering the garden and I find it incredibly soothing but I don't want to worry about it NOT getting done if something comes up. There will always be things that I do NEED to do myself but if I can get a few things on timers or on drips then the time I spend with the rest of the garden will be shorter (but still therapeutic) and I can still enjoy checking on its progress as often as I want. I am so OVER on so many levels. I have written about this in more detail on my other blog, Singlutionary. But I have decided to keep going until my pre-paid, three month term expires on 5/8/09. It seems that the moment I quit being interested in meeting men, the men started to wink and email me like crazy. I find it both entertaining and annoying at the same time. But since I know that I'm not interested in a serious/intense relationship at this point in time, I've kinda loosened up and I am looking for potential friends. For that reason, I am staying on. I am going to filter all the emails to a folder and deal with them at once in one big chunk when I am in the right mood.

Volunteering: I have spend HOURS volunteering this past year to the point where it was almost a full time job. But its just not as rewarding as I used to be and these little tasks which seem like no big deal can be very disruptive to my day. So I've basically quit. I'd like to help out again the future when I have time. 

Ahhhh. But that brings me to my point (sorry, this post is a little scattered which I think is reflective of my mind right now):

5/8/09 is my date for going back to work! I put it on my calendar. Its actually a Friday which seems a little silly but really its one of those symbolic law-of-attraction kinds of things.

The thing made me realize that a) this past year wasn't a waste but a time to do things I can't get done while working (like starting Singlutionary and my garden) and that I am not *quite* done yet. I still have to iron out a few things in my life before I make the leap back into full time employment. So I've given myself a few weeks. I think that the deadline will also serve to light a little bit more of a fire under me. 

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