And even though I am still wearing pajama shorts, I feel a lot better about my life.
The job I am looking for is not my soul's purpose. I know that. What I am looking for is a job that I can enjoy for two years and will provide enough income that I can continue to pursue my dreams. Its only two years so I don't have to feel super motivated, I don't have to marry it or fall in love with it or even co-habitate with it. But it IS still two years so it has to pay enough to be worth it and the people have to be nice and I have to have good benefits and good time off so that I'm refreshed and ready to go in two years and not depressed and exhausted.
Also, I feel drawn to the non-profit world. I came from there. I would love to work for the Humane Society or some other organization which would bring my interests and work together. My reservation about that has always been that I will have to work long thankless hours. But that is not true. I can simply put down some boundaries around when I am willing to work. I am a lot older and wiser than I was at 23 when I was at my first (beloved) non-profit job so I think I can handle myself a little bit better. Yay!
AND, as my dad pointed out, I am not desperate. I am in a position where I can be kinda choosy because I still have the roommates to help with the mortgage and I have my mini-job with Bosslady.
I'm lucky.
So instead of sitting around all day feeling trapped and applying to jobs that I kinda hate the thought of working at, I can just make job applications another part of my daily routine and fill the "work" hours with activities that I love.
So I've changed my mind. I am no longer in purgatory. I am on vacation!
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