Monday, April 13, 2009

My Rush Hour

In my post yesterday, I wrote about my unemployment schedule. From 5:30-6:45, I hope to be able to do ALL of the following on a regular basis:

Make Dinner including setting aside a portion for the next day's lunch
Eat Dinner
Cleanup after dinner
Water the Garden
Do My Daily Chore

I know that this can be done but it will take some getting used to and I'll have to be super efficient.

I didn't start my rush hour until 5:45. By 6:15 I had watered half the garden (I just move two or three sprinklers from spot to spot but there are lot of spots) and prepared dinner, putting aside a portion for the next day's lunch.

Watering was made easier because I had already watered the back patio earlier in the day when I found a spare moment. So I guess I cheated a little.

And cooking was made very simple due to some excellent grocery shopping (how am I doing to find time to get to the grocery store in this new life????) and preparation I had done earlier (I had a container of mixed rice and beans in the fridge waiting to be heated up). I even had time to take a few pictures of my quick handywork.

I sat down, ate a couple bites and then went a moved the sprinklers again. I repeated this several times. I know its good to sit down for a full meal, but I also know its good to wait a little bit between bites. I am willing to sacrifice a leisurely dinner so that I can workout later on or write this blog! Also, this only works for me because I'm not afraid of organic dirt. So I don't feel the need to wash my hands after moving the sprinkler.

By 6:45 I had almost finished the watering. All that was left was to turn the spigot off in the backyard. I had cleaned the kitchen and washed all but a few token dishes. All that was left was my chores. Chores for Monday are: pay bills, run errands, laundry, put out recycling.

I had put a load of laundry in before going to Bosslady's and my roommate had moved it to the dryer so all that was left was to put it away. I had also put the recycling out at the curb when I left for bosslady's and the same roommate had pulled the bin in. 

So, I had 15 minutes to: put away laundry and pay bills.

Running errands on Monday will be tricky once I get my full time job. Usually these errands consist of going to the bank/grocerystore/gas station, etc. I could do them on my lunch break but then I wouldn't have the serenity of walking my dog. I could try and do them on the way home from work but that would put me in rush hour traffic (and would cut into my domestic rush hour). Hmmm. Maybe the errands can just be spread out through the week. That is what usually happens anyways.

So, all-in-all, my Rush Hour was a success! YAY. 

Paying bills will be SO MUCH LESS STRESSFUL when I have the income from a full-time job again! Gosh it will be wonderful to just pay bills when they come in and not hold onto them as long as I can and then hope I get my deposits to clear in time. 

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